I am actually kind of caught trying to decide whether this was a good idea gone bad or just a stupid idea inevitably gone bad. Either way, the guy who tried to sell the bong on ebay has been arrested along with seven other for possession of weed. However, no charges have been pressed on Phelps. Hmmmm, so is smoking weed not the same as possession? I guess you have to have your name on the bag itself for i

t to be considered possession. Look, no matter how big the celebrity is, he is under the same law that everyone else is. How come everyone he was lighting up with get arrested yet he is left to go only with a suspension from swimming. It's not like he can't swim now either, its just that he cannot compete, which judging by his recreational activities he wasn't planning on doing anyway.
Another thing, the guy trying to sell the bong was asking for $100,000. HUH? Only a bong smoked by Jesus would sell for that much. Go for something more realistic like $10,000. When I saw this I immediately got the image in my head from Don't be a menace to society while drinking your juice in the head (great movie btw) of the scene where Loc Dog asks for 3 million salary to work as a crash test dummy.
I suppose the guy also wrote this request with crayons before he submitted it to ebay.
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